
I’ve been asking myself this question a lot lately? I’ve ended up doing a lot of cabaret recently.

It started last year when a drag artist, known as Lady Imelda, asked me to join in on the ‘Glam Jam’ evenings at Halfway to Heaven on Wednesdays in London.  I thought it would be interesting and thus my toes were dipped in.


Me with the Glam Jam gang

Now, I’m finishing a 3 week run of burlesque/cabaret at the Tristan Bates, called ‘More or Lesque’. Funny enough, I’m still in the dark as to what this art form is?

What makes someone good at cabaret artist?

From what I can tell, I think it has a lot to do with the interaction/banter with the audience and your own U.S.P. (unique selling point).

I’ve seen striptease (not to nadda, but close), puppets, comedy, men in drag, women in drag, a man dressed in lederhosen – with a bear theme and a whip, the list goes on….

It kinda gives me the impression of Music Hall and what Vaudeville may have been like?

This is a world where a wide variety of acts that stand on the fringes of entertainment can find a home to thrive in.  Comic ability and a strong sense of sexuality seem to be quite prevalent.

In this most recent show, I have been the water pistol, raffle ticket selling, opera and every other genre singer.

One things for sure, whatever this art form is, the audiences love it and keep coming back 3 or 4 times!  That’s always nice.

How would you describe cabaret? Thoughts welcome below:


Me with the boys from More or Lesque