Posts filed under: Auditions

Self Taping Self Taping is, in my opinion, a must, if you want to work in Film or TV and aren’t a known actor. I know there is a lot of resistance to this, but in the US market, it’s...
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Playing to type can and does work, here is an example, which is opening now and is already getting lots of press – a rom/com musical – how much more type do ya get: La La Land I don’t know...
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Being an expat actor in the UK, I’ve learnt to play to my strengths.  So for me that looks like, I go with what comes easiest and hailing from North America I do what I do best and that is...
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What better theme for October than the Headless Horseman!  So what does this have to do with performing, you may say, ah, well, that’s exactly what I want to address today! So often I’ve heard from students, ‘I feel like...
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Well this blog is devoted to that dreaded event - the 'bad' audition....
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As I was walking to my audition, today, the themed music for the Death Star from the ‘Star Wars’ kicked into my head with a bit of ‘Spamalot‘ glitch thrown in for comic relief. Why is an audition so scary?...
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