Posts filed under: Business

What hasn’t changed.. We can use a lot of modern tools in the entertainment industry – Social Media, Self-tapes, emails, etc. – 1 thing hasn’t changed in this industry is about building relationships. It can feel impossible to figure out...
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Career: At the end of last year/begin of this, I asked you what you wanted me to write about. Thanks to several of you, you responded! 1 response was ‘I don’t see what I’m doing as a (insert your own...
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OK, I’m not meaning social media blocked, but artistically stuck? Don’t know what to do next? You’re career isn’t going the way you planned or you don’t know how to go from amateur to pro? First things first! Everybody...
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Why me? To be honest, I was snooping around the Juno site because I wanted to see if I could submit. I was looking to submit my children’s songs. I quickly realized I needed an album, but I only have...
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Don’t be like Mr Bean and get misunderstood! Get on board and let the world know about you and what you are doing! Do you need one? I agree with Amy Burman – Casting Director – when she talks...
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I would love to work with Paul Greengrass as part of a featured small role in one of his films.  He is a Director who comes across, almost instantly, as someone who makes an actor feel at ease in what...
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Anticipation, I love it, can’t wait….just want it to be now.  Well, we are pre-festival season. I’d like to start talking about what I feel is important in the various roles for you to hire for your next production! First,...
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Playing to type can and does work, here is an example, which is opening now and is already getting lots of press – a rom/com musical – how much more type do ya get: La La Land I don’t know...
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Like most people, I always start things with the best of intentions and todays post is another one of those.  It’s a chance for me, once a month, at least, to let you know what I’m up to! I’m terrible...
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Coming from the operatic singing background, the idea of creating your own work isn’t a new 1. Of course, it’s 1 of the biggest things people talk about for those periods when you just don’t have work coming in. Really...
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