Posts filed under: Health

Despite the Nerves The ability as a performer to feel a closeness to your audience. How do you do that? There’s that famous song, ‘Killing me softly..’ This song strikes a chord in many of how well it can be...
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Career: At the end of last year/begin of this, I asked you what you wanted me to write about. Thanks to several of you, you responded! 1 response was ‘I don’t see what I’m doing as a (insert your own...
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I've talked about the inner critic, but what about the outer critic?...
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Comfortable? You know the image of a patient as he lies down on the therapists couch and the doctor asks, ‘Comfortable?’ as if it’s a signal to begin. I can’t say I’ve actually laid on too many doctors couches, but...
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Imagination I’m lucky.  I grew up in the wilds of Canada.  Literally, as a kid I had a huge forest out in my back yard where I played all sorts of imaginary games for hours, days on end with my...
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Well, this is not an original topic but, it seems to be one I’m always battling. I seem to spend a lot of time working at the administration work of being a singer and a lot less at the actual...
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Well, this is not an original topic but, it seems to be one I’m always battling. I seem to spend a lot of time working at the administration work of being a singer and a lot less at the actual...
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Just recently I went to the doctors in regards to physical ailments I’ve been having with 1  hip. It seems I have joints which hyper extend or as I know it are double jointed. I’ve heard about this when I...
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I did an event recently where I had to leave before the end of the event. I always hate doing it, but often I find I need to go to rest. I would love to stick around for that drink...
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