Posts filed under: Film

Ah, this is 1 I don’t see talked about much, but happens to everyone. In fact, in can happen even after an audition, read my blog on what I did after a ‘bad’ audition to help me. For now, this...
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Coming from the operatic singing background, the idea of creating your own work isn’t a new 1. Of course, it’s 1 of the biggest things people talk about for those periods when you just don’t have work coming in. Really...
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The Good When you want to get your profile started, new material for your showreel, help a mate on their project or have been out for a while and feeling rusty, student films  can be a great place to gain...
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There was a time when you didn’t need one, but in today’s work of multimedia, well, you got to have one.  We have camera’s on our phones, so at least it doesn’t have to be impossible, but it may not...
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I am off there for my latest shoot on my first TV film documentary. ...
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My first TV docu-drama - what FUN!...
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A sampler video of me singing at Little Bay - Brighton:...
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An Evening - a short student film I did about a relationship with an alcoholic Mom and her son:...
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This is one of the hardest things for me, when I have completed all the work and think about what is next......
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I did an acting class at the Actors Centre in London and the teacher, Nikki Flacks, said memorising lines is just a muscular activity....
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